Preble County Mental Health & Recovery Board Meetings NEXT BOARD MEETING: Monday August 26, 2024, at 6:30 PM Location: PCMHRB Office (100 E Somers Street, Eaton, OH 45320) ***This meeting is being held in person for members, guests are welcome to attend in person or via Teams*** Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 260 201 707 169 Passcode: XzgvTT If you have difficulties accessing our virtual meetings, please call the PCMHRB Office at (937) 456-6827.
***Meetings are now being held in person with a virtual option via Teams for guests.*** Please feel free to call (937) 456-6827 if you should have questions about PCMHRB Meetings. You can find previous and upcoming Board meeting dates and Board meeting minutes below.
Click below for a full list of our FY25 Board Meeting Schedule