Underage Prevention: Talk to your Teen
SAMHSA, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administraton, has created a series of videos and PSA's for the prevention of underage drinking. It arms parents and caregivers with information and resources they need to start addressing the issue of alcohol with their children early.
The Campaign focuses on:
Increasing parents' awareness of the prevalence and risk of underage drinking;
Equipping parents with the knowledge, skills, confidence to prevent underage drinking;
Increasing parents' actions to prevent underage drinking
If you don't talk about it, you are still saying something.
The Campaign focuses on:
Increasing parents' awareness of the prevalence and risk of underage drinking;
Equipping parents with the knowledge, skills, confidence to prevent underage drinking;
Increasing parents' actions to prevent underage drinking
If you don't talk about it, you are still saying something.
Recovery & Wellness Centers of Midwest Ohio is our local outpatient treatment center. Staff at Marie Dwyer focus not only on counseling and treatment services, but also on prevention and educational programs.
If you or someone close to you is suffering from addiction to prescription or over the counter drugs, alcohol, or other substances, Marie Dwyer Recovery offers hope through the 12-step program and continued support. The goal is not to just stop using, but to heal. Counselors at Marie Dwyer believe addiction cannot be overcome
without understanding why drug use happens in the first place, learning what triggers are, and learning coping skills to triumph over addiction. Treatment Works; People Recover.
Call 937-456-7694
If you or someone close to you is suffering from addiction to prescription or over the counter drugs, alcohol, or other substances, Marie Dwyer Recovery offers hope through the 12-step program and continued support. The goal is not to just stop using, but to heal. Counselors at Marie Dwyer believe addiction cannot be overcome
without understanding why drug use happens in the first place, learning what triggers are, and learning coping skills to triumph over addiction. Treatment Works; People Recover.
Call 937-456-7694